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NEW Business Overview Presentation with AUDIO!

Hey Team,

How would you like to have your prospects view the same presentation every single time?

Check out the brand new Business Overview Presentation with audio! Let this new presentation do the work for you. Try it. You will LOVE IT!


Freedom Tour Lands in Jamaica!

A big THANK YOU goes out to all the awesome LiveSmart 360 Members in Kingston, Jamaica. Your dedication to building for the 3 days of events was amazing and there is no question Jamaica will be a huge part of LiveSmart 360. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Here’s one quick clip of the excitement in Jamaica! More to come!


Video of First Stops on The Freedom Tour!

Hey 360er’s!

We are fired up and back from the first leg of the Freedom Tour. More Video updates from Atlanta & Jamaica are coming tomorrow. Next Stops…Norfolk, STL and LA and BEYOND!
Members and guest alike are showing up at each stop and the vibe is awesome. Now is the time to get your piece of success with LiveSmart 360. People are excited and plugging into the hottest system in Direct Sales….Switch – Save- Get PAID!

Get to the next stop on the Freedom Tour near you.

See you there!
Tiffany & Mike Potillo

Check out this new Freedom Tour Video from our first stops…


All Mists Now Infused with ZorbMax

What makes LiveSmart 360 products stand out from the rest? The patent-pending, proprietary ingredient ZorbMax! This sensational new technology boosts your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, and that means better, quicker results you can really feel.

Our Director of Operations, Linda Remer, tells me our full line of Mist products is in production right now, being infused with ZorbMax. That means you can choose from 360 Mist (ZorbMax), as well as these special formulas for your specific needs – all with the added benefits ZorbMax provides:

360 Mist Relieve for occasional aches and pains,
360 Mist Slim for appetite control,
360 Mist PM for more restful sleep, and
360 Mist Ignite for enhanced intimacy.

No matter who you’re talking to throughout the day, you’re sure to meet someone who needs these powerful products. They are easy to recommend, easy to share, and easy to use, so place your order today and start feeling the difference ZorbMax provides.


Product Talks – Dr. Derrick DeSilva, Jr. Joins LIVE Calls Every Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. EST

Bob and I are thrilled to announce that Dr. Derrick DeSilva, Jr. will be joining us for our live call every Tuesday beginning July 20th to talk about LiveSmart 360 products. Every Tuesday will highlight a specific product, its use and valuable benefit. LiveSmart 360 offers a Smart collection of essential Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements. Dr. Derrick DeSilva, Jr. is a nutritional expert who has been instrumental in the formulation of more than 100 natural products.

We are proud to have Dr. Derrick DeSilva, Jr. on the LiveSmart 360 Team as a part of our medical advisory board and are excited for him to offer our Members additional product knowledge. Gaining product understanding will help you build your business as you become an expert in the benefits of the fantastic products available from LiveSmart 360.

Join us every Tuesday at 9:30pm EST by dialing (712) 432-0075 and entering code 649759#.

Date  / Topic 

7/20     Probiotic
7/27     360 Mists
8/3       Daily Nutrients
8/10     CalMag

We look forward to bringing you more expert advice and product knowledge. Visit us at LiveSmart 360 to learn more about our products and opportunities.


360 Mists Help the Body Absorb Significant Nutrients

Living Smart means using the right products. Dr. Shawn Mueller, an authoritative research scientist in the field of trace minerals and electrolytes partnered with LiveSmart 360 to create Zorbmax, a patent-pending technology that helps your body absorb up to three times the nutrients that would normally be wasted. That includes vitamins and minerals in food, supplements, and drink – anything you ingest.*
Our full line of spray products include
Each 360 Mist has a separate, valuable benefit. The primary method to receive the positive benefits of our Mist products is by swallowing.


The First 3 Cities on the Freedom Tour Rocked!

Hello LiveSmart 360 Family,

The first 3 stops on the Freedom Tour Rocked! Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville, and Charlotte were on fire with excited members and guests. Today is the official day that LiveSmart 360 turns 2 months. It’s almost unbelievable to be a part of all that has happened in 2 short months after soft launch.
  • May 15 we launched to the world
  • Amazing products introduced and results already happening
  • Over 1 Million in sales the first week
  • Over 2,000 members earn commissions the first month
  • Nearly 1 million paid out to our members the first commission run
  • Breaking records with 9 members earning in excess of $10,000 their first month
  • We continue with our mission of “Rewarding More People More Often!”
It’s been wild and we have felt it on tour. The excitement and commitment the members have shown is remarkable. If you have been at one of the events then you know exactly what I am talking about. We truly know we are a Billion Dollar Brand in the making!
A big THANK YOU goes out to all our members who have attended the first 3 events. We have some great videos we will be posting so you can “feel” what it was like if you missed them.
We look forward to seeing many of you in “Hotlanta” Saturday.
Remember, this business is SIMPLE, PRACTICAL and most of all…FUN!
Invite as many people to our Saturday event in Atlanta as you can. It will help grow your business. For all the details, click the Freedom Tour link at the top of the page.
Bye for now…


P.S.  Stay connected with what’s happening at LiveSmart 360. Each day of the week – Monday-Friday at 12:00 P.M. ET and 9:30 P.M. ET plug into our News @ Noon and Live Corporate calls in the evening. Dial into 712-432-0075 Pin: 649759# – Every day you should be visiting www.LiveSmart360.com and logging into your Back Office, visiting our facebook, blog and twitter updates. Share what’s happening on YOUR Facebook and Twitter to continue driving prospects to your personal LiveSmart360.com page. Repeat Daily. Repeat Daily. Repeat Daily. Develop those habits and stay consistent in sharing LiveSmart 360 with everyone you come into contact with. (The New Business Presentation you can download on this blog will really help you.)


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